

Market Report

Manhattan Market Report Q1 2021

Manhattan Market Report Q1 2021 The resilience of the Manhattan residential real estate market was on full display in the first quarter. A new year

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Market Report

Brooklyn Market Report Q1 2021

Brooklyn Market Report Q1 2021 Big news out of Brooklyn – sales in Q1 outpaced pre-pandemic levels, surging 12.3 percent compared to Q1 2020 and

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Market Report

Manhattan Market Report Q4 2020

Manhattan Market Report Q4 2019 In the last quarter of 2020, the Manhattan residential real estate market continued to experience turbulence while showing resilience and

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Market Report

Brooklyn Market Report Q4 2020

Brooklyn Market Report Q4 2020 The Brooklyn residential real estate market continued to showcase its resilience despite challenging external factors. In the face of a

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Market Report

Brooklyn Market Report Q4 2019

Brooklyn Market Report Q4 2019 SIGNS OF LIFE The slight sales slowdown observed last quarter continued through the end of the year. Many buyers made

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Market Report

Manhattan Market Report Q4 2019

Manhattan Market Report Q4 2019 CAUTIOUS STABILITY As we enter the new decade, it’s important to reflect on the 2010s by reviewing our predictions and

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Market Report

Manhattan Market Report Q2 2019

Manhattan Market Report Q2 2019 Speculation, politics, and regulation fueled the Manhattan market, leading many to anticipate a vastly different residential sales landscape on the

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